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Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Throwback: Beastie Boys - Paul Revere

Tomorrow, the Beastie Boys' newest release called The Hot Sauce Committee Pt. 2 comes out and I couldn't be more excited for it. This week, I figured I'd put a real throwback on, stemming from the year 1987. Licensed to Ill was one of the first CDs I owned and to this day I can recite almost all of the lyrics from the song "Paul Revere." The Beastie Boys were kind enough to put up a streaming version of the new album because it has apparently leaked. Also, last night they did an interview with Rock 101.9 in New York City. You can watch it Here. Check out songs from their new album after the jump!

A-Trak at Royale Boston tonight!

Download Paul Revere Here

Hot Sauce Committee Part Two by Beastie Boys

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